Your Family Deserves Justice
If your child is a victim of a birth injury, you need answers and positive action to get the justice
your family deserves.
Learn the Scientific Facts
Understanding what caused a birth injury and the effects of a particular type of injury can empower
you to take positive action.
Do I Have a Case?
Attorneys experienced at supporting victims of birth injury in getting justice can help you understand if
you have a medical malpractice case.
Birth Injury Support Guide
Birth Injury Support

If your child is suffering from a birth injury, you probably have many questions about what caused the injury, what your child’s prognosis is, and what you can do to make sure she receives the best medical attention and support possible. This Birth Injury Guide is designed to help answer some of your questions and support you as you take positive steps toward coping with your child’s birth injury.
In this Guide you’ll find helpful information on causes, symptoms and prognoses of the many different types of birth injuries. You’ll also find resources for helping you plan for care for your child and getting the support you need to cope with the social, emotional, physical and financial effects of serious birth injuries.
Finally, the Guide includes information on the legal issues involved in birth injury cases. The birth injury lawyers at Paul & Perkins know that financial compensation cannot truly compensate families suffering from a birth injury for their pain and suffering. However, just compensation can hold the responsible parties accountable and assist you in providing the best treatment and care for your injured child.
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3117 Edgewater Dr.
Orlando, Florida 32804

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